Our Values

Nearly one out of every two people is trying to figure out their purpose in life.

Barna Research


We are a powerful collaboration of individuals, organizations and athletes called to bring Christ to the marketplace and playing field we dominate.



  • To introduce Christ in places where His Name has not been known.
  • To inspire the dream and destiny in you.
  • To help you increase your value, influence and authority in the marketplace.


  • Through mentoring, collaboration, training and leadership development, we can transform individuals where they live, work and dream.
  • This responsibility must be shared to the next generation.


Champions UNLEASHED will become the undisputable leader of training fivefold ministry for the marketplace. With the combined resources and talents of our membership, we will catalyze the next move of God in the marketplace and unleash “Champions” through the establishment of leaders and training centers worldwide.


In carrying out our mission and pursuing our vision, we are shaped and guided by these core values:

  • We value prayer and the Word of God.
  • We overthrow the kingdom of darkness by establishing the rule of Christ.
  • We touch those in the marketplace with the love of God.
  • We seek “miracle” opportunities to pray for our family, friends, peers and associates to demonstrate the King.
  • We work with excellence, skill and proficiency to honor God and profit those we work for and with.
  • We increase our hands-on technical skills and expertise to become an authority to those we are trying to reach.
  • We flow in creativity and strategic ideas that produce action, solutions and results.
  • We act with humility, integrity and transparency among others.
  • We preach the Gospel whether people give us a pulpit or not.


  • We will position and strengthen leaders for purpose, destiny and Kingdom advancement through education, training and service.
  • We will speak with a relevant and prophetic voice to nations via social sites, the internet, radio and television.
  • We will transform followers into leaders and show them that their greatest place of influence is their ministry.
  • We will equip the body of Christ for practical and powerful marketplace ministry.
  • We will partner with the local church to coordinate events and training that enlarge their sphere of influence and attack the nation’s unemployment rate.
  • We will pursue the influencing of outcomes including economic stimulus, leadership and crisis management decisions that directly affect people’s lives.
  • We will build a platform for leaders to have a ministry outlet and impact the region and industry in which they have become an authority in.
  • We will inspire people to dream; to do something where the potential of the thing, scares, challenges, excites and pushes them all at the same time.